Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Simplified Brewing instructions.

Please also read complete instructions below,
which include explanations and important warnings!

1) Boil water then brew and remove tea, about 4 teabags per 2 litres.

2) Dissolve sugar, about 1 cup per 2 litres.

3) Cool to just about room temperature.

4) Add to brewing vessel, no exposed metal!

5) Add Scoby and some ready kombucha, i.e. dump in the whole contents of the mason jar if you got your Scoby from me. If you are rebrewing, the Scoby and dregs left in the vessel work just fine!

6) Cover with a breathable material, i.e. cotton cloth, secured to stop insects and dust.

7) Depending on taste, wait 1-2 weeks then move the liquid into sealed mason jars or bottles, keep at room temperature (will build carbonation and acidify with age) or fridge, but always refrigerate after opening. Enjoy!

8) Rebrew a new batch in your old vessel by leaving some old Kombucha with the Scoby.

9) If Scoby has grown huge, try peeling off a layer. You can start a second brewing vessel with this "mother mushroom", or give it to a friend. If you jar Scoby, with some Kombucha, and keep in the fridge, you have an insurance policy: Should your original get moldy or be neglected and die, you can start all over from this clone. If you keep a clone, replace it yearly just to be sure of viability. Extra Scoby can also be composted, or even eaten!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you sell starter kits outside of market months? I realize I have missed the last market you had listed but could meet you if you could tell me what you include with your kits.